Skies are clearing a cloudy, cool and breezy morning. Both the Handler’s Check-In and Bitch Check began at 8:00 am and the parking lots filled up early. The Pro Shop at Flint Oak, the Master National Store and the Sunflower Retriever Club store all did a brisk business. Bt 11:00 am, the lines around the grill formed for a hamburger lunch and stayed packed until the meeting began at 1:00 pm.
President Gloria Mundell introduces Sam Furguson, Chief Marshal |
Gloria Mundell, President, opened the meeting on time and introduced the Chief Marshall, Sam Furguson. In his remarks, Sam told the handlers that if they have a question, they are to go the Stake Marshall, Chief Marshall or Gloria. They are not to ever speak to the Judges … they are off limits. Next, Sam addressed the “yellow tickets,” explaining that we are all to stay on the road or in designated parking areas. The first ticket is a warning and the second ticket means that the vehicle is not allowed back on the premises.
Sam introduces our Judges … |
The Judges were introduced and paired and later the flights and test sites were determined:
FLIGHT A: Bob May and Duwayne Bickle (Dewey), Wind Sock (land)
FLIGHT B: Ed Arnett and Laura Judd, Three Ponds (land/water)
FLIGHT C: David Christianson and JohnMarchica, Buffalo Wallow (land)
FLIGHT D: Bill Largent and Laurice Williams, Birches (land)
Ed Arnett and Laura Judd |
Bob May and Duwayne Bickle |
Bill Largent and Laurice Williams |
David Christianson and John Marchic |
The Huddle … "We Ain't Changing Nothin'!" |
Sam announced that we have straight-up tests with no tricks. He said, “They are some of the nicest Master National tests that I have seen.” Next we were given a legend for the texting and signs so that we could follow the signs to each of the nine test sites.
We were advised to use the provided maps and not depend on your GPS system. Lunch will be provided at each test site everyday, so that you don’t have to move your car.
Judge Bickle presented the Judges information and instructions to the handlers.
1. Must shoulder the gun using both hands.
2. Walk-ups … keep going until the bird is in the air.
3. Dogs will be released on their number.
4. The Judges will not encroach on the Handler’s space.
5. Diversion birds will be called for on the last bird retrieved.
6. You must challenge the blind.
7. Once you handle on a mark, handle all the way to the bird; do not use “Hunt ‘em up!”
8. When there is an honor, delivery of the last bird will be in the honor box for expediency.
10. No intimidation such as a loud “No!” or “Sit!”
11. You must wear proper attire.
12. No cell phone on the line.
13. If your dog creeps, you will be asked to reheel to the send position.
14. There is no “creep line” and a break is a break.
15. You can use the hat issued in your packet to handle your dog.
16. You can speak softly to your dog on honor.
17. If you are physically impaired or have a hearing problem, let the judges know when you come to the line.
18. You must ask the Judges permission to touch you dog in any way.
19. At each test site, they will go over where to stand and where the boundaries are.
20. See the Marshal if two dogs running back-to-back with the same call name.
No Birds: First, go back 3; Second, go back 6; Third, go back 12 and one more, go to the rear. The dog will move back to its original running order with the start of the next series. Callbacks will be given at the end of the test; there will be no partial callbacks. These can be found on the Master National website.
The Judges received their gifts along with Hunt Test Chairman, Larry Kimble and Sam Furguson, Chief Marshal.
The next agenda item is the Rotation: 128 – 156 – 15 - 43 – 71 – 99. Scratches for each flight were announced.
FLIGHT A: 1, 4, 16, 41, 113, 122, 150 and 163
FLIGHT B: 17, 29 and 30 (Transfers: B13 to A169, B55 to A171 and B160 to A170)
FLIGHT C: 11, 24, 47, 51, 117, 146 and 162
FLIGHT D: No scratches or transfers
Duwayne Bickles gives the Handlers their instructions |
Bill Teague thanks the Sponsors for their generosity. |
Retriever Hunting Test Advisory Committee Report (RHTAC)
To: Master National Retriever Club Annual Meeting
September 20, 2013 Flint Oak, Kansas
NOTE: The RHTAC submits recommendations to the AKC Performance Events Department with the clear understanding the AKC may modify, accept or reject any or all of the recommendations as they deem appropriate before making their recommendations to the AKC Board. The committee further understands the AKC may submit recommendations and/or implement revisions without consulting the committee.
General: The five member committee (roster of committee available on the AKC website and here at this meeting) was reorganized by the AKC in December 2010 and has received numerous submissions each year since. Submissions have been generated from members of the retriever enthusiast’s community, the committee members and AKC representatives. All submissions have been fully discussed by the committee and the chairman has attempted to acknowledge each submission and provide them notices on the committee’s decision and, where possible, the AKC’s decision on the recommendations.
History: The committee has submitted recommendations to the Performance Events Department on three occasions since its reorganization. The Department submitted their recommendations to the AKC Board and Board approved revisions were transmitted to retriever hunting test club secretaries on record with the AKC via e-mail promptly after approval. It should be noted that the impact of all revisions in the regulations are monitored for a year after implementation. The most recent changes were:
November 1, 2012 notice (became effective December 1, 2012)
• Distance on Master marks and blinds was changed to not normally exceed 150 yds;
• Definition of a triple mark was clarified;
• Apprentice judges are subject to the same restrictions as the approved judges (related to ownership, training, etc.)
January 2, 2013 Notice (became effective for events held after April 1, 2013)
• Clubs may, at their option, limit the number of entries in their Master Tests to either 60, 90, 120 or 180. Clubs may continue to run unlimited entries in Master Tests if they choose.
July 29, 2013 Notice (became effective September 1, 2013)
• Walk-up required in senior tests;
• Judge’s must record on the evaluation sheet the score assigned for each ability being judged and retain the forms for a minimum of 60 days.
• Clarified that on weekend tests a judge’s dog can run in a test other than the one they are judging and clarifying wording will be included in the next printing of the catalog.
NOTE: Two items were reviewed by the committee that resulted in the committee recommending no change. They were, 1) clubs having an option of offering an ‘Amateur Master Test’ at weekend tests, and 2) Field Trial points would count toward master hunting test passes.
NOTE: On July 12, 2013, the AKC responded to a question from an individual and clarified that participation in the K-2 program does not interrupt their status as an amateur.
Currently being discussed: a total of three (3) submissions have been received since the committee’s last recommendations to AKC. They include:
• Establishment of an AKC title, “Master Hunter Lifetime Achievement”. The AKC sent the committee a suggestion to review this item. Their opinion, shared by many retriever enthusiasts, is there are owners that do not attend the Master Nationals due to lifestyle reasons but continue to enter the MH tests simply for the enjoyment of themselves and their dog and there should be recognition for those achievements. One way to acknowledge those that continue to succeed at the master level over an extended period of time would be to provide the MH title followed by the number of passes (MH-25 as an example). The numeric title would supersede the MH title on the dog’s records but it would be in addition to the MNH title. The owner may, at any time they desire, apply to the AKC for this title. The committee has recommended the AKC approve the title.
• Concerns about the quality of birds used at some retriever hunting tests have been expressed. Claims of clubs using frozen birds and birds being used to the point the dog has very little chance of finding them, especially when the bird is in water (documented by AKC reps) have been filed. Clubs are reminded of the AKC regulation that “a minimum of two live birds per entry must be made available for use at the discretion of the Judges in all test levels”.
• Concerns about the quality of questions on the AKC written Retriever Hunting Test have been expressed. The submitter says, 1) that while most of the questions are really good and require digging into the regulations, some are more ‘trick’ questions that should be reviewed and replaced with good quality questions, and 2) questions should be updated to reflect current regulations and those relating to discontinued regulations be removed.
Presented on behalf of the committee by Bill Teague, Chairman