"Mitchell's Pond" is a water triple with a blind using all ducks. The order is right, diversion shot, middle, left and then the dog runs the blind. The right bird is across the pond thrown to the left, landing at the water's edge with a splash. The middle bird is located at the end of the pond. This bird is thrown in and to the right. The bird lands on what looks like an island in the pond. Most of this island is made up of tall weeds and lunging water. The last bird down is the left hand bird which is located on the same side of the pond as the line. This duck is thrown to the right, landing in the water. As the dog returns from the go-bird, there is a diversion shot. After all three birds are picked up, they run a blind to the end of the pond between the left and middle mark.

Flight A came to "Mitchell's Pond" for Test Five. They were greeted by wind, rain and slick driving conditions. The parking area for this test is small with everyone packed in to stay on a grassy surface versus the mud. The right hand bird is falling short today up on the bank in heavy cover or in with the tree roots. The ducks are being carefully dried after each use, but the combination of the wind, rain and water have made for a shorter flight out of the winger. This is the bird that has caused the most problems early on. The blind is a crosswind blind. Handlers are being very cautious to do this last bird correctly.
Don't let your name be " M U D ! ! " |
Battening down the hatches … |
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#121 Bruce Halverson and Candlewoods Head Over Heels, MH (Flip) |
… handling on the blind |
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